Monday, March 30, 2009

Broken Habits

One of the things that surprised me about myself in Second Life is learning just how much of a girly-girl I am on the inside, and how much I like jewelry. It didn't take long to lose the noob fascination with bling, but I still love beautiful jewelry. But now that I've taken up sailing, my jewelry habit is broken.

How did that happen?

Well, one day when I was busy tempting myself at Jacqueline Trudeau's shipyard, I came across a gal who told me about my Avatar Rendering Cost, or ARC. It was well over 8000(!). Although some of that could be attributed to my hair, shoes, etc., it was primarily my jewelry - a rose quartz starflake set from Alienbear Designs.

The gal had an extremely low ARC, just 59. She was barefoot, with no jewelry or any attachments. She said that it helped in sim crossings to have less prims attached to my person, and that I should only wear the minimum amount necessary. Interesante.

Now me, I like to look pretty and look like a lady - so I normally wear a full gamut of stuff: prim hair, eyelashes, nails, jewelry, and some kind of shoe. I even have some animated eyes from Insolence that require prims. And of course, my other attachments - my hugger, Mystitool implant, etc.

All this stuff adds up.

So I boned up on what factors increase the avatar rendering cost by digging out the old blog post on it. For this blog entry, however, I have linked to the wiki, which is good enough.

As such, when sailing, I am now almost as bare as I can be, attachment-wise. I lose the nailpolish, take off the shoes, and use a standard set of eyes. Although I am vain enough to keep my eyelashes on... but no jewelry.


Oh well, if it will reduce rubberbanding and getting left behind by my yacht, I'm all for it.

1 comment:

  1. Felix Davidson ( 14, 2009 at 11:55 PM

    Dear Ms. Karami,

    I noticed that you have began the building of Nautilus City in Second Life (some of your properties and NC concepts are wonderful) and wondered if you would be interested in modifying your Nautilus City to work with what we are doing in Republic of Palau. Nautilus City on Peleliu Island.

    If you are interested let me know and we can start a dialogue on terms. I think it would be far more interesting if you had Second Life properties that are actually linked to real world landed property. We can discuss commissions should you have an interest to pursue this opportunity.

    Hope to hear from you.


    Felix Davidson.
